Monday, May 12, 2008

Buying a Car!

So its time to buy a car. You've driven your mom's car, your brother's car... So you want your own now, but you've heard a few different words for "buy". "Used", "Buy", "Lease", they all apply for cars, but which one means "Affordable" to you? Of course, there's a difference. A Used car means that someone else had the car before you. If you're OK with cleaning it up a bit or something being missing or broken (Not very likely, but some people are destructive, unfortunately.). Since someone else has owned it before you, it's going to be pretty cheap. Maybe about 10%, 20% off the previous price. Used cars are either sold back to the dealership, or they were leased and given back. Leasing only applies to new cars. It's basically renting the car for 3 years, paying a small amount of money, but you have to give it back after the 3 years, and there's a limit to how much you can drive. Once you go past the miles you're only allowed to drive, they start charging for every Mile you drive. It doesn't seem like a lot, but it really adds up depending on how much you use your car. Buying, well... You get to own the car through 1 type or payment or another. You can pay up front, hard cash (Or through a card), or pay it off over a period of time, like... a couple of years. What I would do is buy a used car, because normally, they're not that expensive, and if it was leased, it should still be in good condition.